W21_Volume_5_coverHouston Safari Club, in conjunction with the American Wildlife Council Partnership (AWCP), is pleased to announce the release of “Wildlife in the 21st Century” version 5.

This document is a compilation of recommendations, to be presented to the next U.S. Presidential administration, on the topics identified to be of the greatest impact to the future of wildlife, natural resources, hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation in the U.S.. It is used as a tool to help guide incoming Presidential administrations as they consider the future of wildlife, conservation of resources and the sporting heritage in this country.

Download the document here: W21_Volume_5_final-compressed (2)

Please read on for further information.

Wildlife for the 21st Century: Volume V is the fifth in a series of recommendations from the American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) beginning in 2001. AWCP is a consortium of 45 organizations that represent the interests of America’s millions of dedicated hunter conservationists, professional wildlife and natural resource managers, outdoor recreation users, conservation educators, and wildlife scientists.

AWCP came together in 2000 to combine the energy and wisdom of our individual organizations. While individual organizations have their own primary areas of interest, collectively we all are dedicated to ensuring the vitality of our wildlife resources and providing for sustainable public use and enjoyment of those resources under the science-based management of the state and federal fish and wildlife agencies, in cooperation with habitat and land management by the federal, state, county, and local governments. This system of wildlife conservation is known as The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

We work together towards a future in which we envision…

  • all wildlife and private and public habitats are abundant, maintained and enhanced;hunting, trapping and other outdoor interests are supported by the public to maintain America’s great wildlife conservation heritage and cultural traditions;
  • natural resources policies encourage, empower, and reward stewardship and responsible use;
  • all citizens are committed to principles of scientific wildlife management, where wildlife is held in public trust, and where the use of resources is shared equitably and sustained for present and future generations.

Previous volumes were provided to Presidents Bush and Obama. Now we present these recommendations to help inform the next administration about the pressing issues facing wildlife conservation and our sporting heritage. These recommendations for improving wildlife conservation are offered in the spirit of the hunter conservationists our organizations represent. Each recommendation is based on sound science and builds on the historical achievements of hunter conservationists in making this country’s wildlife resources the envy of the world.

These recommendations represent a general agreement of the partners. Each partner organization reserves the right to establish independent positions on any issue as we research, debate, and act on these ideas for the next 5 years of the 21st century. In the tradition of the hunter and angler conservationists, we look forward to working with you to conserve our fish, wildlife, and habitat resources long into the 21st century.

Joel Pedersen, 2015 Chair
American Wildlife Conservation Partners
Editor, Wildlife in the 21st Century, Volume V

Wildlife Logo jpeg image (1)Houston, TX – Houston Safari Club (HSC) is proud to announce Wildlife Partners, LLC as its newest Corporate Partner. Wildlife Partners’ presence will be highlighted though HSC’s marketing efforts, media channels and multiple events.

“WildLife Partners is proud to partner with Houston Safari Club. Along with HSC, we share the belief of wildlife and habitat preservation and protection”, states Roger Festor, Director of Operations, Wildlife Partners, LLC.

HSC Executive Director Joe Betar states, “HSC’s ability to implement its mission of conservation, education and the protection of hunters’ rights is made possible through the patronage of supporters. We are extremely excited to join forces with Wildlife Partners to further HSC’s mission”.

About Wildlife Partners, LLC

WildLife Partners is honored to be a part of the rapidly growing, global wildlife Industry. We offer private investors the opportunity for direct ownership of exotic trophy animals. The sector is driven by profit focused investors capitalizing on conservation initiatives and a seeming endless demand for high quality trophy animals. Our programs have been met with great approval by both conservationists and investors seeking alternatives to traditional vehicles such as stocks and real estate. For more information, visit our website at wildlifepartners.com or call 1-866-377-3000.