Our Mission
Preserving the sport of hunting through education, conservation and the promotion of our hunting heritage.

Houston Safari Club Foundation

Houston Safari Club Foundation (HSCF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the sport of hunting through education, conservation and the promotion of our hunting heritage. Our members come from a diverse background and have a wide variety of hunting, fishing, outdoor and other interests. But they all have one thing in common-their passion for the outdoors, a love of hunting, a commitment to the responsible management of our national resources, the education of future generations and the responsibilities of being hunter-conservationists. 

To learn more about how HSCF gives back click here.


Houston Safari Club Foundation (HSCF) is a non-profit organization, exempt from federal income tax, under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The charitable deduction for contributions to HSCF is the cash amount of the contribution, less the value of goods and services received, to the extent permitted by law. HSCF EIN 74-2177975. Please contact your tax advisor concerning deductibility of any payments as business deductions. HSCF is an independent organization, is not affiliated with Safari Club International (SCI) or its affiliates and is not a chapter or affiliate of any other organization.